Rick & Sandi Smith

Blizzard 1978 in Ohio and Michigan

Blizzard 1978 in Ohio and Michigan

Josh wasn’t quite 1 and Erik was days short of being 2 when the blizzard hit in 1978. Stacey wasn’t going to be born until that April so that meant Sandi was pregnant at the time of the blizzard.

We were living out in the country and were snowed in with an 18 foot drift in front of our garage door. The wind had scooped the snow away from the house creating a literal bowl of snow around the house that was so high we couldn’t see out of the first floor windows. It took 4 days before a front load Caterpillar could get to us and dig us out. My only experience with “cabin fever” — the feeling of being held captive made you simply want to get out of the house.

Kind people who did not know us, but were aware there was an infant in the house called to see if we needed diapers or formula snow mobiled to us. I was breast feeding and using cloth diapers so I thanked them for their concern and told them we were good.

It was amazing, but we never lost power — I can’t imagine what we would have done if it would have gone out.